Rose Marie 1955 – 57
This mug was given to Rose Marie, famous for her role on the Dick Van Dyke television program. As you can see, it has “The Searchers” on the back which dates it 1956. We have no idea how Rose Marie was involved with the searchers, she is not listed in any credits we could find. We have found another mug just like this one with the name “Helen O’Connell” which was sold by her grandson at a Heritage Auction on Dec. 12, 2012. Helen O’Connell was a noted 1940s-era big band singer who also made a number of appearances in film and on television shows. Her grandson remembered his grandmother having many famous Hollywood friends, but did not know why Wayne would have given her this particular mug since she wasn’t associated with “The Searchers.” Additionally, this mug has a unique design unlike the others Wayne gave to cast and crew so this one is somewhat of a mystery.

Sold: Julien’s Auctions
Nov 16, 2018
“A ceramic coffee mug gifted to Rose Marie by John Wayne, with the following hand-painted inscription, To Rose Marie from John Wayne – The Searchers… From the Estate of Rose Marie”
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