McQ 1974
McQ is the third mug that was made by Ketchum Originals, located at 1105 Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, Ca. There was a promotional McQ mug made, that was sold in gift shops at Universal Studios the Movieland Wax Museum and others. The promotional mug can easily be distinguished from the genuine cast and crew mug as it was done on a slightly different mug and does not have the gold handle. The promotional mugs also have value, on Aug. 16, 2022 there were five of them listed on Ebay ranging in price from $250 -$399. At the same time however someone was asking $7500 for one of the authentic McQ cast and crew mugs.

Sold: Ebay
Jul 09, 2018
“Offered is an extremely rare John Wayne Cast & Crew coffee mug!These mugs are getting very hard to find! John Wayne would give out Movie coffee mugs to the cast & crew of his movies!He did this for many years and many movies! Some mugs he would personalize with names, but he would 24k gold dip all the handles for his cast & crew!You will see others on eBay that were available in gift shops such as Universal Studios, Movieland Wax Museum, and a few other gift shops in Hollywood!I have shared this information with other ebay members and eBay,”
24 SEP 2014 Ebay 1000 Cynthia
30 JUN 2020 Ebay 700
09 SEP 2019 Ebay 700 Good Luck
11 SEP 2019 Ebay 695 Marty
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