John Wayne Mugs 1955 – 1959
8 1955 The Sea Chase Bob Williams 222 Occidental Santa Ana CA Wallace Beige
9 1955 Blood Alley Bob Williams 222 Occidental Santa Ana CA Wallace Beige
10 1956 The Conqueror Bob Williams 222 Occidental Santa Ana CA* Wallace Beige
11 1956 The Searchers Bob Williams 222 Occidental Santa Ana CA Wallace Beige
12 1957 The Wings of Eagles Bob Williams 222 Occidental Santa Ana CA Wallace Beige
13 1957 Legend of the Lost Bob Williams 155 W 3rd ST Tustin CA Wallace Beige
14 1958 The Barbarian & the Geisha Bob Williams 155 W 3rd St Tustin CA Wallace Beige
15 1959 Rio Bravo Bob Williams 155 W 3rd St Tustin CA Wallace Beige
16 1959 The Horse Soldiers Bob Williams 155 W 3rd St Tustin CA Wallace Beige
John Wayne Mugs 1955 – 1959
*The mug featured at our site has the 515 N Main address, although Bob Williams had moved to the 222 Occidental address by this time.