Trouble Along the Way 1953
The Trouble Along the Way mug is the fourth mug Bob Williams did for John Wayne. Once again back on what became the traditional beige Wallace mug, it is stamped on the bottom “The Potters Wheel”. It’s interesting that the first couple of mugs Bob Williams did for John Wayne still carried the “McFarren” stamp and then we see a couple- The Quiet Man and Trouble Along the Way that have “The Potters Wheel” stamp. The first four mugs all have the same address, “Corona Del Mar” but the first two have “Customized by McFarren” while the 3rd and 4th mugs have “The Potters Wheel” stamp. After this Bob Williams began stamping his name and address on the mugs.

Sold: Ebay
Jul 13, 2022
“From a local Los Angeles estate, a mug that was commissioned by John Wayne to be given to members of the cast and crew of the movie Trouble Along The Way in 1953. This is a very rare and hard to find collectible. This coffee mug was a personal gift given to Fred (my aunts father) from John Wayne at MGM Studios on the set of ‘Trouble Along the Way, a 1953 movie where he worked directly on with the cast. “
25 FEB 2017 Ebay 2500 Scott
13 OCT 2013 Ebay 2500 Wally
23 JAN 2018 Ebay 2200
24 FEB 2017 Ebay 1625 Mel
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