Good Luck 1955 – 57
We place the Good Luck mug around 1955-57 because it has the Bob Williams 222 Occidental address in stamp. It’s also another one of the Wallace yellow mugs like used for The Quiet Man and Big Jim McLain so Bob probably still had a few of these around the shop. We find it interesting that the front and back seem reversed on this mug. The “Good Luck” which is almost always on the back now appears on the front, and the image on the back. Of course this is basing the front and back on the position of the handle. These were probably “just in case” mugs for when Duke wanted to do something nice for someone and it wasn’t a special occasion.

Sold: Ebay
January 16, 2024
“Very unique John Wayne mug, that was created from a Wallace China Mug, with a gold handle. The mug has the graphics of John Wayne on the front with: Hollywood Calif., below.”
28 NOV 2021 Ebay 1009 Good Luck
19 DEC 2019 Ebay 995 Good Luck
28 JAN 2024 Ebay 737 Good Luck
13 JAN 2019 Ebay 619 Good Luck
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